Date Converter Tool
This date converter tool allows you to convert dates from BS (Bikram Sambat) to AD (Anno-Domini) and vice versa (AD-BS) without any trouble. One of the easiest ways to convert any date from Nepalior Georgian calendars. It has a simple interface and the highest accuracy that helps you use it quickly and provides error-free results every time you use it.
What is AD and BS?
AD or A.D. stands for Anno Domini, a label for numbering years after Christ's birth. Whereas BS or B.S. stands for Bikram Sambat, used primarily in the official Hindu Calendar in Nepal.
How to convert Nepali date to English?
Most Nepalese people face problems translating/converting Nepali Dates (BS) to AD. However, With this easy-to-use tool, you can change any dates from BS to AD and AD to BS with less trouble. Follow these steps to do that:
- Select the Converter (BS-AD or AD-BS)
- Select the Year, Month and Day
- Press the "convert" button
- Then, it will show the result of your conversion
Isn't it easier than you thought? That's why I called it one of the easiest Nepali to English Date converter tools on the internet, which also can convert dates from Anno-Domini (AD) to BS.
It is one of the easiest ways to convert dates from AD to BS and Vice versa. Also, It provides error-free results, which means the highest accuracy while converting/translating dates from Nepali to English or English to Nepali.
Hope you guys found it easier to use, and make sure to share this date converter tool with those who need it. If you've any problems regarding this tool, leave us a comment.
Isn't it a useful Date Converter Tool?
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